Linkplay Music Kit

Linkplay Music Kit is the app side SDK for Linkplay Home Audio solution;you can use it to implement our solution into your product.


MusicKit mainly solves 2 issues:

  1. Maintain the commnunication protocol with our firmware so that your app could interact with the device without concerning the comlexity of the lower layers.
  2. Wrapper the complexity of cloud services (includes music services and voice services etc.) so that you can intergtate them rapidly and don't bother the details.

When user bring a product home, the procedure is as follows:



Out-of-box experience. The experience of this procedure should be as simple and stable as possible.

As we can see, the procdeure is from hardware to software, from bottom to higher:

Procedure Layer
Wi-Fi Setup Data link layer
First OTA Firmware system
Initial Device Settings System software settings, like timezone, language, etc.
Service Setup Application layer settings, all software services settings
  • Wi-Fi Setup

    The first step is connecting device to internet. We have the following ways for you to setup the Wi-Fi:

Name Description
BLE Setup If your device supports BLE, then you can choose this way
SoftAP Setup If your device only has Wi-Fi module, then you can choose this way

When user brought product home, maybe it has been a long time after the MP. To bring better user experience to customer, the first OTA can not be skipped.

  • Initial Device Settings

After hardware and firmware are all in best status, then it's time to do some localized work, such as:

  • Language
  • Timezone
  • Period for silient OTA
  • Service Setup

Then, the last step is to setup the application layer service:

  • Music services, such as Tunein, Amazon Music
  • Voice services,such as Alexa

After this, the OOBE procedure is finished, and user can start to enjoy the service brought by your product.

Device Discover

Device discover is the pre-condition to communicate with the device: Device Discover

In our solution, device discover is based on the most popular LAN protocol for this:

So that we could assure the steability of this procedure.

Device Control

Play Control

Play Control is the main function that this solution supports.

Other Functions

  • Alarm
  • Preset
  • OTA

Music Services Intergtation

We have already intergated many popular music services for you, includes:

  • Amazon Music
  • TuneIn
  • iHeartRadio

Please contact your interface to get each SDK and documents.

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